Tuesday 27 August 2013



That's right ladies and gents! We are gearing up for our 9th season as Vintage! 

We have a wonderful theme in the works! 

Our first rehearsal will be October 20 @ SEESA. 

We are always excepting new members, and 'new re-returning members'

Never spun before - no problem! 

Been a long time? feeling rusty? - no problem! 

Took a year or two off? NO PROBLEM! 

Come spin and laugh! 

Rehearsals are every sunday from October- the end of competition season (March 8th - Championships in Red Deer) 

Tentative Show Dates are as follows:
February 1 - Magrath
February 8- Spiritus (Calgary)
February 16 - Arts Extravaganza (Calgary)
February 22 - Spin & Win 2014 (Confirmed - Home show)
March 8 - Championships -(Confirmed. Encorps hosting in Red Deer)

Our fees are very reasonable - and there are minimal 'other costs'

for more information contact Jenna @ 780.886.2746

Just keep spinning!